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Health Benefits of Dark Chocolates

Dark chocolate is one of the most famous and most loved treats since ages across ages. It is blasted with nutrients that can positively impact your health. These chocolates are made from the cacao tree’s seed, which is one of the good sources of antioxidants you can find in a delicious way. It is also observed that dark chocolate can help your body to reduce the risk of heart disease. Following are some of the best health benefits of dark chocolates;


Rich in nutrition

If you intake good quality dark chocolate with a rich cocoa content, then it is very nutritious for your health. It has a rich amount of soluble fiber and is abundant in healthy minerals. It is observed that a 100-gram of dark chocolate bar with 70–85% cocoa contains approximately 11 grams fiber, 66% iron, 57% magnesium, 196% of DV for copper, and 85% of DV manganese. Moreover, these chocolates are rich in potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. However, it is also recommended not to consume as many as 100-gram bars daily as these nutrients also have 600 calories and moderate amounts of sugar. For this reason, it is perfect for consuming dark chocolate in moderation.

It is also a fact that the content of fatty acid in cocoa and dark chocolate is good for health as it contains most oleic acid is heart-healthy fat, stearic acid, and palmitic acid.

Stearic acid is one of the other benefits of dark chocolates, as it neutralizes body cholesterol. Dark chocolate also has exciting stimulants like caffeine and theobromine.


Rich in antioxidants

ORAC is an abbreviation for oxygen radical absorbance capacity and is used to monitor and manage the antioxidant work of foods in our bodies. An experiment by the researchers described showering a set of free radicals (harmful) against a sample of food was performed to understand the intensity and working of the antioxidants in the food and how they can disarm the free radicals. These studies show that chocolate is a good antioxidant source.

Dark chocolate has abundant biologically active organic compounds and functions just like antioxidants, which are polyphenols, flavanols, and catechins, among others. According to various studies, dark chocolate polyphenols also help you lessen some form of bad cholesterol when taken with other foods like almonds and cocoa. 


Helps to improve and regulate blood flow and lower blood pressure

Eating a bar of dark chocolate and lowering your blood pressure is fantastic. Isn’t it? It is possible because of the flavonoids in dark chocolate, as they help to encourage the endothelium, makes the proper lining of arteries, to produce nitric oxide (NO) in the body. 

This nitric oxide is responsible for sending signals to the arteries to breathe, stay calm, and relax, lowering blood pressure. According to various examinations and studies, cocoa and dark chocolate can control blood flow and lower blood pressure, however, the effects are usually less.

Moreover, some studies also explained that these chocolates did not affect patients suffering from type 2 diabetes and blood pressure. So, for better results, it is advised to take them with a bit of salt.

Helps to improvise the functioning of the brain

Yes, it is true. Studies reveal that eating high-flavanol cocoa can help better blood flow to the brain from a very tender age. One of the significant benefits of dark chocolates is that they allow you to relax your mind and help you to think better. It is also an excellent treat to improve your concentration in verbal learning, memorizing things, and logical reasoning. 

Cocoa flavonoids also help your body to improve and enhance your body’s cognitive function when you are an adult with mild cognitive impairment and reduce the disastrous impact of dementia at a later age. Moreover, cocoa also has stimulant substances like caffeine and theobromine, which additionally helps your brain to function better in the long run. 

Good for reducing heart disease risk

The substitute in dark chocolate is more protective against the oxidation of LDL. It helps your body face less cholesterol to block in the arteries, resulting in a lower risk of heart disease.

With time, many studies also show that taking flavanol-rich cocoa or chocolate helps lower blood pressure ( as mentioned above) and improve the person’s cardiovascular health. It is also stated that eating dark chocolate three times per week is highly beneficial and helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by 9%.


Help you to get a flawless skin

Yes, dark chocolates are suitable for the skin and help you with dermatological benefits too. The bioactive compounds in dark chocolate are good for your skin. Moreover, the flavanols can help your skin to stay safe from the dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sun, helps you with good blood flow to your skin, and increase skin density. It also allows you to keep your skin hydrated.

Various studies explained that the minimal erythemal dose (MED) could increase and even double after consuming high-flavanol dark chocolate or cocoa for 12 weeks. As a result, it can help your skin stay protected from the sun for a long time.


Following are some of the health benefits of eating dark chocolates and the powerful impact of these medicines against various diseases and problems in your body. However, it doesn’t give you the liberty to intake these dark chocolates regularly, as an excess of anything harms your body. You cannot intake them daily as they are full of calories and may have a detrimental impact on consuming too much.

Taking one or two cubes of these delicious and nutritious treats after dinner is recommended to leave a yummy flavor and good health benefits for you. Also, be specific while choosing your chocolates, as only some dark chocolates are healthy for you. 

You can purchase a dark chocolate bar with 70% or higher cocoa content. For more information related to dark chocolates, choosing the correct one, or health benefits, feel free to reach us @